Cheshire Fire Department Cook Book - Submit Your Favorite Recipes!
By CFD Web Administrator
April 4, 2014

April 4, 2014: The Cheshire Fire Department is excited to announce that our Ladies Auxiliary is preparing a Cheshire Fire Department cookbook. The recipes will include many of our department member’s favorite recipes and we would like to invite our residents and the community service organizations of Cheshire to include their favorite recipes too.

The ingredients for a successful cookbook require your recipes. Please consider submitting from one to three of your favorite recipes. If possible we prefer them to be in different food categories. Our categories will be: appetizer, soup, salad, main dish, pasta, sauce and dessert. (Disclosure: If multiple recipes are received for the same item, we may have to just choose one.) Please complete your recipes via our website, at Our deadline for the recipes is May 16.

The cookbooks will be used to raise funds that will be used to purchase fitness equipment for the health and wellness of our firefighters in Cheshire.

We appreciate your assistance in providing us with your recipes, and await your submission.

Please download the attached submission form for all entries.

All completed submission forms should be sent to Renee Brumleve at .


The Members of the Cheshire Fire Department’s Ladies Auxiliary

Attachment CFD LA Cookbook letter to the community service organizations.pdf  (467k)
Attachment Recipe Submission Form.pdf  (310k)